激励! 资源:鼓励!

鼓励! Leading Women Engineers 鼓励 the Next Generation 是激励计划的一部分! 教育录像收藏, based on Dr. 劳拉Ettinger’s game-changing work for the National Science Foundation that captures the essence of trailblazing American women in engineering, and aims to inspire middle school and early high school students to pursue the STEM fields.

At 4 minutes and 40 seconds running time, it is a short and poignant tool that will capture the attention of its young audience and provide the opportunity for important discussions on topics such as stereotypes, 信心, 克服障碍. 

Discussion prompts are included here for teachers, 辅导员, 童军领袖, parents and others to use with middle school and early high school students to accompany this video.


鼓励! Leading Women Engineers 鼓励 the Next Generation
Leading women engineers encourage girls to do what they love, 藐视的刻板印象, 克服挫折, 学习工程学. (40分钟)

制作:博士. 劳拉Ettinger, a history professor at esball国际平台客户端, 导演是扎克·米勒, founder of Uncommon Image Studios.

看 the video now by pressing the "Play" button on the video.

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下载 鼓励! 来自Google Drive

Prior to Viewing Discussion Questions

问:什么是刻板印象? Do stereotypes exist in today’s world? 如果有的话,有哪些呢?
A: 根据 the American Association of University Women’s report, 解方程: The Variables for Women’s Success in Engineering and Computing (2015), “[a] stereotype is an association of specific characteristics with a group ... Stereotypes can be descriptive (what women and men are like) or prescriptive (what women and men should be like).” (37)

Q: Do stereotypes have an impact on our lives?
A: 根据 解方程, stereotypes “can lead to biased behavior or discrimination when we view members of a group based on their group status rather than as individuals.“特别是, “[g]ender stereotypes tend to place greater social value on men and evaluate men’s competence as greater than women’s.” (37)

Q: Have you ever tried something and failed? Did you learn anything from the experience, or did anything good come out of it?

Post Viewing Discussion Questions 

Q: Do you think that stereotypes limit our dreams? Do you think that there are stereotypes in engineering? 如何 do you think they might affect you? If you come across any stereotypes that might affect you, how might you deal with them? Do you think we’re making progress in changing these stereotypes?

Q: 如何 does diversity create a better engineer or product?

Q: Why would creativity be an integral part of engineering?

Q: Does trying but not being successful or failing have value? 如何? 如何 can a mistake help you to learn?

Self-Reflection and Moving Forward 

Q: What experiences have you had that built your 信心 and made you believe you could be successful in anything you tried?

Q: What are some of the ways you could be better supported as a girl or gender-nonconforming young person interested in science and/or math? Do you think that people have the same expectations for young people of different genders who are interested in science and/or math?

Q: Have you ever been teased because you like science or math? 你是什么感觉? 你能说些什么作为回应?

Q: Have you ever been called a nerd or a geek? What do you think is a good way to react to that? Who do you have in your life to turn to for support if this happens?

esball国际平台客户端INSPIRE! 教育录像收藏

激励! is a collection of three educational videos with accompanying discussion prompts that will empower middle school and early high school girls with the tools to overcome obstacles facing girls and women in STEM fields, such as a lack of 信心 and discouragement from others. 其中一个视频, 教育! 什么是工程师? Perspectives of Trailblazing Women Engineers, would be appropriate for use with young people regardless of their gender identification.

每个视频都具有鼓舞人心的特点。, real stories told by accomplished women engineers that contextualize and examine hurdles that girls and young women may face in the engineering field and offer strategies to overcome those hurdles. 当我们听到这些故事时, we see trailblazing women engineers serving as mentors and role models for the next generation of girls, who embrace the excitement of an engineering education within the context of a STEAM summer camp at esball国际平台客户端, a nationally recognized technological university with locations in Potsdam, 斯克内克塔迪和比肯街, 纽约.

The videos can be used together or individually.

激励! 教育录像收藏 website

激励! 常见问题


激励! Motivational Messages from Accomplished Women Engineers

Accomplished women engineers inspire young women and give them advice about their future careers and lives. (3:39分钟)

查看资源 激励! Video

教育! 什么是工程师? Perspectives of Trailblazing Women Engineers

Trailblazing women engineers explain what engineering is and debunk myths about the field. (55分钟)

查看资源 教育! Video